Steel River Group


Steel River’s Governing Principles are deeply rooted in Indigenous values, beliefs, and culture. Our foundation is grounded by a strong sense of community, centered around people and relationships. We aspire to be thought and action leaders for positive change in the space where Steel River Owned Companies, Indigenous Communities, and industry collaborate. Our underlying mandate is to drive employment for local Indigenous and partnering communities, as we strongly believe that employment and education are essential for positive social, cultural, and economic change.


At Steel River, positive change is driven by our dedicated team who, through various Steel River Owned Companies, embody our Governing Principles to foster meaningful relationships with Indigenous Communities and Alliance Partners.


Our Governing Principles include our why, vision, values, and three commitments to Indigenous Communities: Steel River will reclaim the process of collaborative engagement, foster the preservation of cultural and traditional values, and champion social sovereignty and economic sustainability for our people.


Steel River is reimagining how, as a privately held Indigenous company, we define, create and capture value for our people, communities, and partners.

Our Consulting Strategy And Development Services


Steel River Group Specializes in offering comprehensive consulting services tailored for Indigenous Nations, focusing on funding acquisition, meticulous planning, innovative design, and efficient construction management for vital infrastructure projects.


Through a collaborative framework, we engage with First Nations, municipalities, industry stakeholders, and investors to foster successful development, ensuring sustainable operation and maximizing value.


Our commitment extends beyond project completion, aiming to contribute to the long-term well-being and prosperity of Indigenous Nations. Central to our strategy is a carefully crafted process aligning with the unique values and aspirations of our Indigenous partners.


Our consulting services cover grant sourcing, financial administration, pre-development, architectural services, and collaboration with key stakeholders. We pride ourselves on building strong and lasting partnerships, understanding cultural nuances, and tailoring our approach to uplift the communities we serve.


With a development team experienced in various industries, we specialize in key infrastructure areas crucial for Indigenous Nations, fostering resilience and prosperity for generations to come.







Steel River Owned Companies, Indigenous Partners, and Alliance Partners harmoniously working side by side on a shared path of mutual success.


Deeply rooted in Indigenous beliefs, values, and culture, Steel River’s governance structure allows for creative collaboration and accountability across our inclusive Ecosystem.


With significant experience working at the forefront of Canada's industries, our team brings the expertise and vision to drive success for all partners.


Steel River Owned companies build internal capacity and competency, while collaborating with our partners to provide our clients with quality products and services.


Metres of pipe laid


communities brought together


jobs created for Indigenous people